


eLightInfo has senior consultants with more that 10 years of IT experience and specialization in Sybase products

  • Adaptive Server
  • Replication Server
  • IQ 
  • SQL Anywhere 
  • EA Server
  • Power Builder

eLightInfo provides Sybase Database services including

  • Sybase Database installation and customization.
  • Sybase System migrations.
  • Automated application deployment.
  • Sybase database administration (log and space management).
  • Sybase backup & recovery.
  • Sybase database design and layout for maximum performance.
  • Pro-active database monitoring via event-driven tools and scripts.
  • Sybase Transact SQL coding. Sybase Consulting Support

eLightInfo has experienced certified Sybase professionals, knowledgeable experts who are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive world-class Sybase support and Sybase consulting services. 
Certified Sybase consultants are immediately available for all areas of Sybase support including Sybase tuning, Sybase database troubleshooting, Sybase 12.x migration upgrades and patch application, Sybase design reviews and Sybase requirements evaluation support.

  • Sybase Health Checks - Our Sybase tuning experts have diagnosed hundreds of Sybase databases and we can quickly locate and relieve database performance bottlenecks. 
  • Sybase Migrations & Upgrades – This is a Sybase 12.x migration service where your specific needs are diagnosed and specific Sybase new features are identified for your database to guarantee reliability and high performance.
  • Remote Sybase DBA Support - eLightInfo provides remote Sybase DBA support. We have proprietary Sybase monitoring software that ensures that you avoid unexpected downtime. 
  • Sybase Training – eLightInfo is the top provider of customized on-site Sybase training. All eLightInfo training instructors are experienced Sybase professionals with years of real-world experience. On-site Sybase training is a great way to train your staff with reasonable rates and high quality training.
  • Sybase Performance Tuning – eLightInfo Sybase consultants have presented all over the world seminars tuning and we specialize in monitoring and tuning all Sybase databases. eLightInfo is expert at Sybase server tuning, SQL tuning and database-side tuning for Sybase. eLightInfo has Sybase design experts who can ensure that your database design is robust and scalable and we specialize in Sybase capacity planning.
  • Sybase Data Warehouse support – eLightInfo has extensive experience in Sybase data warehouse technology and we provide complete Sybase data warehouse consulting.


Oracle remote database managed services and consulting, database monitoring, and support plans tailored to your business needs and budget. Our cost-effective Oracle remote DBA service options range from monthly database reviews to 24/7 support with guaranteed response times. You can utilize our Oracle remote DBA managed services to complement your in-house resources, or utilize our full Oracle outsourcing services for all your production database support.
Companies rely on eLightInfo for design and implementation of new Oracle database systems, performance tuning, assistance with migrations and upgrades, backup and recovery strategies, database security audits, RAC (Real Application Clusters), Oracle outsourcing, remote database administration.

Product Engineering

eLightInfo provides Full Lifecycle Product Engineering, Independent Testing, Professional Services and Sustained Engineering Services. We accelerate the development of software products through our program management, proven processes, methodologies, and tools.

Software –As-A-Service (SAAS)

SAAS is hosted software based on a single set of common code and data definitions that are consumed in a one-to-many model by all contracted customers, at any time, on a pay-for-use basis, or as a subscription based on usage metrics.

eLightInfo has expertise in designing and implementing SAAS for areas such as customer relationship management (CRM) and human resources (HR), procurement and compliance management.

Service Oriented Architecture

Companies face incredible pressure in global markets. To survive in such an atmosphere, companies need to develop a competitive advantage and build a sustainable business by accelerating innovation, developing operational excellence, and empowering information workers.
Enterprise service-oriented architecture (enterprise SOA) allows you to quickly build and modify your business processes to adapt to rapidly changing markets

With enterprise SOA, your organization can

  • Link stand-alone processes to quickly compose new end-to-end processes
  • Selectively redesign existing processes to make changes faster
  • Facilitate seamless process design and execution across company boundaries to leverage the core competencies and best practices of your business partners

eLightInfo provide end to end consulting in design, development and implementation of SOA based applications.

Copyright © eLightInfo 2013