

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

The business environment today is very dynamic, with mergers and acquisitions, consolidation, and regulatory changes. An enterprise needs to develop an ability to identify these changes, and respond to them quickly.

The most enterprises lacks ability to handle growing volumes of organizational data, and the ability to leverage it effectively as also lacks absence of consistent master data, customer data, enterprise information and also systems to manage the same.
Ineffective and inadequate business intelligence leads to the inability to manage customer information and Data compliance issues.

Business intelligence systems can help companies to have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business, and they can help companies to make better business decisions. Business intelligence applications and technologies can enable organizations to make more informed business decisions, and they may give a company a competitive advantage.

eLightInfo has BI (Business Intelligence) Framework that helps organizations optimize and monitor business processes on a granular level. The benefit is Convergence of business intelligence and knowledge management through real-time integration and Quick re-orientation of business processes at a granular level in response to business environment changes.

eLightInfo partners with organisation in their

Score carding & Dash boarding
Business activity monitoring
Business Performance Management 
Business Planning
Business Process Re-engineering
Competitive Analysis
User/End-user Query and Reporting

Business intelligence users are beginning to demand Real time Business Intelligence or near real time analysis relating to their business, particularly in front line operations. Business intelligence often uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess the present state of business and to prescribe a course of action.

Metadata Management

eLightInfo has a defined methodology and process framework that manages large volumes of information efficiently and helps organizations drive their metadata strategy.

Dashboard Management

eLightInfo has expertise to create and custom-tailor an enterprise dashboard that gives a consolidated view of critical Key Performance Indicators (KPI), enabling enterprise-wide visibility of business data for Executives.

Data Mining

Data warehouse applications are valuable only if the data stored in them are used meaningfully. eLightInfo helps enterprises by using analytical techniques to complete the process of discovering information and knowledge which allows organizations to build a stronger foundation for business decisions.

Architecture Consulting

Organizations today require a unified, synchronized approach based on a formal IT strategy that is in line with the organization’s mission, stated business goals and key processes. This calls for constructing the enterprise frameworks, applications and solutions based on a framework that is adaptive to any changes – flexible, scalable and inter-operable; while ensuring that the existing IT infrastructure is rationalized to deliver maximum value.

IT Consulting

eLightInfo provide high end IT consulting to corporate to help realize the optimal return on their IT investments. Highly qualified professionals with expertise in their area of industry knowledge allow eLightInfo to provide very cost effective but effective solutions. The expertise of eLightInfo lies in designing, developing and implementing very large, complex and specialized IT projects. eLightInfo has pool of principal level technical resources to help organization find optimum IT solutions to their business objectives. eLightInfo has worked with multi-national organizations for their niche requirements.

Business Process Management

Organizations need to innovate, adopt and transform to be competitive. eLightInfo is their partner in this initiative by helping enterprises to optimize their Business Processes and IT infrastructures. With ever increasing hyper competition, shrinking business cycles, commoditization of products and services, organizational complexity these factors forcing organizations to reengineer their existing processes and adapt to more efficient business process.

eLightInfo has proven expertise and methodology to discover find gaps, research and suggest highly effective processes. Check how other organization implemented these approaches.

  • Documents current process
  • Establish measurement matrices
  • Measure performance
  • Identify and plan improvement Transition
  • Implement improvements

Application Development & Maintenance

eLightInfo develops leading edge applications by focusing on each client's specific business objectives, with an emphasis on integrating into the existing environment.

Our application development services range from software analysis, design, development, and testing, to the implementation of application systems in a production environment. We are highly skilled at learning new and proprietary application systems and subsequently providing enhancements, support, and integration assistance.

The role which eLightInfo plays in each application development project is dependent upon the client's needs. We can support projects by providing an on-site consultant to supplement the client’s staff while utilizing the client's hardware and software. We can also perform the work off-site in our offices using our infrastructure.

eLightInfo has expertise in building J2EE based and Microsoft .NET frameworks based applications.

eLightInfo has experience Architect, Design and develop scalable and extensible applications that supports 24/7 business availability for global customers. These time and cost-effective applications helps organizations address functional gaps and achieve business goals effectively.

Application Management

Enterprise mostly deals with hundreds of applications. eLightInfo has application management processes, which allows maximum efficiency and control. Application management services include application maintenance, re-engineering, migration and testing.

Data Management, Migration and Collaboration 

At, eLightInfo we offer secure reliable database management services to support our client’s physical database environment. Our focused on-going support and services ensures that the clients’ database system remains secure, up-to-date and completely operational when required. 

We offer you the following Database Management Services:

  • Designing, developing and installing business and customer centric databases 
  • Database administration, maintenance and configuration services
  • On-going database management and consultancy services, which also include performance monitoring and tuning 
  • Data capture, database updates and response handling services 
  • Maintaining and improving database security
  • 24/7 database monitoring
  • Database backup and recovery service
Many growing businesses share a common dilemma: their most valuable corporate assets—their business data—are often contained in disparate systems. Maximizing your productivity depends on uniting your data in one seamless business solution.

eLightInfo's Professional Services team, can extract data from legacy systems, structure data in a coherent hierarchy, and import data into your applications.

Project Management

Project Management requires simultaneous management of the four basic elements of a project: resources, time, money, and most importantly scope. The purpose of Project Planning is to identify the scope of the project, estimate the work involved, and create a project schedule. Project planning begins with requirements that define the software to be developed. The project plan is then developed to describe the tasks. The purpose of Project Monitoring and Control is to keep the team and management up to date on the project's progress. When changes need to be made, Change control is used to keep the products up to date. Risk Management is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage the risk. Through its highly qualified team, eLightInfo offers comprehensive project management services.

Product Engineering

The New Product Development unit of eLightInfo offers services across the complete product development lifecycle, from ideation through design to manufacturing and production across various industries including Product internationalization, Quality Assurance and testing, Technical Architecture, Product interoperability. 

eLightInfo's Product Engineering solutions help customers assess and improve product performance, using advanced mathematical modeling and simulation tools. This is done at different levels of fidelity, from physics-based models at component level to more abstract models at system level. These solutions help customers move from physical to virtual prototyping. eLightInfo can also formulate, analyze and interpret the outcome of the simulation tests.

Product Design: The three step process allows customer to complete the design phase in a well coordinated way. 
Conceptualization: Product ideation, convert marketing requirements into Product Concepts, product styling or apply packaging criteria. 
Preliminary Design: Feasibility studies, Use of various technique to optimize and validate designs, value engineering, and virtual simulation.
Detailed Design: Modeling, simulation and actual implementation for the components, subsystems or complete product.

Mobile & Embedded Technology

At eLightInfo we are dedicated to developing cost efficient reliable, wireless systems. Our services enable companies to incorporate wireless technologies into applications that were previously prohibitive due to high cost and long development time. 
eLightInfo specializes in wireless communications for industrial and manufacturing organizations. eLightInfo will design hardware solutions built around reliable, high-quality components and provide custom software applications that meet the unique requirements of industrial and manufacturing clients. 
eLightInfo's embedded systems offerings provide the customers unique embedded systems designs addressing the wide array of available processors, cost-sensitivity, power-sensitivity, real-time constraints, resource constraints, and the need to perform an evaluation using a reliable real-time operating system in extreme environmental conditions. 

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